Welcome to my website, if you have any queries about any of my artworks, please contact me via the contacts page or DM me via Instagram.
Just a little bit about me . . .
I am an Australian artist based in Sydney. I have completed a Masters of Arts Degree (Fine Art - Painting) and I am currently an online resident artist at Fern Street Gallery where my artwork can be viewed all year round.
My paintings are a visual meditation into the simple pleasures of Australian life. The smell of the sea air, the spray, the expanse of the ocean. A tapestry of vivid colours, shapes and lines that calm, soothe and inspire. Whether it is the delightful company of a beloved pet, the taste of a delicious cake or the profound presence of the ocean, it is these simple experiences that captivate me and make life well worth living.
I was born in South Africa and immigrated to Australia in 1999. I think my experience in both countries has had a significant impacted on my work in that they share, amongst other things, a sun filled palette and vast breathtaking landscapes. I consider my paintings a bright visual record of these lived experiences and a personal exploration into life's trials, transformation and its blessings.
Featured in . . .
FOCUS (Kiama and Area) - July/August 2021 Issue

@SouthCoastExperiences Interview - July 2021